Charlevoix County Hayes Township Supervisor Retires

Charlevoix County Hayes Township Supervisor Retires

Ethel Knepp Hayes Township will be losing a dedicated individual who has served the residents of Hayes Township for forty years. Ethel Knepp has chosen to retire from her position of Hayes Township Supervisor. Ethel is a long time resident of Hayes Township who first became involved in township government as a member of the Hayes Township Planning Commission and the  Zoning Board of Appeals in 1976 having been appointed by Township Supervisor Bud Sneathen. She served in those positions until being appointed Zoning Administrator in 1982. She continued as zoning administrator until June 30, 2007. In 1988 while still serving as zoning administrator, Ethel ran for the elected office of Township Clerk, winning the election and serving as Township Clerk until 2005. During her term as township clerk, Ethel appointed Marlene Golovich as Deputy Clerk. When Ethel resigned as clerk, the Township Board appointed Marlene to fill the clerk position. After serving as Zoning Administrator for 25 years, Ethel took a break from elected office and then ran for and won election as Hayes Township Supervisor in 2006. She has served in that position since then and will retire as supervisor when her term of office expires on November 20, 2016. (more…)
2016 Spring Newsletter

2016 Spring Newsletter

Our spring 2016 newsletter is here and is being printed to be sent out. The online version in PDF is ready for viewing. Qr scan QR scan codes of our social sites has been added to the newsletter. With today’s smartphone app, you can freely download QR scanners and point your phone at that little square box which automatically takes you to our Facebook, Twitter and our web site. Some of the topics you’ll find.
  • Summer park host
  • Election News
  • Spring cleanup
  • New Zoning admin
  • Veterans Plaque
image of newsletter  
Parks & Recreation seeking individuals to serve

Parks & Recreation seeking individuals to serve

Hayes Township Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee The Hayes Township Board of Trustees is seeking individuals interested in serving on the Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee. The Committee meets once a month to discuss and make recommendations regarding all parks and recreation areas within the Township. Interested persons should contact Supervisor Ethel Knepp at 231-347-2899 or email at
Hayes Township

Hayes Township

Welcome to Hayes Township  We are located within the County of Charlevoix, along the northern shores of beautiful Lake Michigan. We are bordered on the north by Lake Michigan and on the south by Lake Charlevoix, the third largest lake in Michigan. Hayes township’s history began in 1877.