July 18th: Hayes Township Candidate Forum

July 18th: Hayes Township Candidate Forum

OMvoteThere will be a candidate forum on July 18 at 7:00 p.m. at the Hayes Township Hall at 9195 Old US 31 North, Charlevoix. The candidate forum is co-hosted by Sam Williamson and Tom Darnton, Hayes Township residents. Williamson is an Emeritus Professor of Economics at Miami University in Athens, Ohio and past president of the Lake Charlevoix Association. Darnton is a realtor in Charlevoix and a retired civil law attorney. The forum will be moderated by (more…)


The Hayes Township Board will be holding a Budget Work Meeting for the 2016-2017 fiscal year immediately following the regular Board meeting on May 9, 2016 at the Hayes Township Hall, 09195 Old US 31 N., Charlevoix. Marlene C Golovich Hayes Township Clerk 547-6961

Public Hearing Notice

PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE HAYES TOWNSHIP PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the HAYES TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES will hold a public hearing on March 16, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. at the Hayes Township Hall, 09195 Old US 31 N, Charlevoix, Michigan to consider a Land and Water Conservation Fund Grant Application for a development grant for an access road and boat launch at the Hayes Township Park, Camp Sea-Gull located on Lake Charlevoix. The property includes approximately 1400’of Lake Charlevoix frontage and approximately 20 acres of uplands. The project area is in Section 3, T33N R07W, Hayes Township, Charlevoix County, Michigan and located at 08580 Boyne City Road, Charlevoix. See agenda Written comments may be directed to: Marlene Golovich, Township Clerk Hayes Township 09195 Old US 31 N Charlevoix, MI 49720 (231) 547-6961 clerk@hayestownshipmi.gov
Precinct inspectors

Precinct inspectors

If you have ever wondered how to become more active in government, there are plenty of opportunities for you that do not involve running for elected office. Michigan has 83 counties, 274 cities, and 1,242 townships. During an election, each of these units of government requires a staff of paid workers to work at the polls. Precinct inspectors are people who are paid to assist voters at the polls on Election Day. Registered voters interested in serving as election inspectors must (more…)