Waterfront Survey Summary

Waterfront Survey Summary

Waterfront Survey Summary Since the 1990’s, Hayes Township has had regulations that pertain to waterfront property owners. To better understand the level of awareness that property owners have of these regulations and explore options for future consideration, the planning commission developed a survey for waterfront property owners and township residents in the winter/spring of 2017. (more…)

Get Involved With Your Township

Paid or volunteer, have you ever considered participating in your Township? Occasional positions need to be filled. From various committees to Zoning Board of Appeals, Planning Commission, Board of Review, Public Parks and many more. If interested please use the Position Application Form provided for your review and consideration. Questions contact me on my page RON VANZEE, Supervisor to Hayes Township, Charlevoix County Michigan.

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Tree clearing for bike trail / Informational meeting

Dear Hayes residents Charlevoix County is now preparing for construction of Phase 2 of the Trail, which is planned for 2017.  The County would like to invite you to an upcoming informational session regarding Phase 2 of the Trail, which will be held on Saturday December 10, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. at the Hayes Township Hall, located at 09195 Old U.S. 31 N The full letter is available to download.

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New link to Watershed Protection Resources

New link to Watershed Protection Resources

You’ll find a new link, “Watershed Protection Resources” on our Hayes Township home page, under CHARLEVOIX COUNTY LINKS. Thanks to the “Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council’s” web site,  valuable resources and publications are provided to protect our lakes, streams, wetlands, and groundwater. Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council’s service area includes the water resources in Antrim, Charlevoix, Cheboygan, and Emmet Counties.