$5,000 grant for pedestrian walkways to park fishing pier

$5,000 grant for pedestrian walkways to park fishing pier

Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians Grant 2% Award to Charlevoix County Hayes Township Charlevoix County’s Hayes Township was awarded grant funds from the 2% Award of the Grand Traverse Band (GTB) of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians from the first half of the 2017 grant cycle. The grant of $5,000 will be used to construct pedestrian walkways leading to the fishing pier to be constructed at Hayes Township Park Camp Sea-Gull on the north shore of Lake Charlevoix. ​ The 2% Award is a condition of the consent decree settling Tribes vs Engler. Under the decree, the GTB of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians agreed to pay 2% of its video gaming revenue to local units of government for deserving community projects. Since the 2% Awards began in 1994, the GTB has donated millions of dollars to hundreds of local projects.


HAYES TOWNSHIP NOTICE OF BOARD OF REVIEW MEETING DECEMBER 13, 2016 Notice is hereby given that the Hayes Township Board of Review will meet at the Hayes Township Hall, 09195 N Old US 31, Charlevoix, Tuesday, December 13, 2016 at 4:00 p.m. to correct mutual mistakes, clerical errors and Principal Residence Exemptions. Questions may be directed to Ron VanZee, Supervisor, 231-497-4701 or email supervisor@hayestownshipmi.gov Marlene Golovich Hayes Township Clerk

Tree clearing for bike trail / Informational meeting

Dear Hayes residents Charlevoix County is now preparing for construction of Phase 2 of the Trail, which is planned for 2017.  The County would like to invite you to an upcoming informational session regarding Phase 2 of the Trail, which will be held on Saturday December 10, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. at the Hayes Township Hall, located at 09195 Old U.S. 31 N The full letter is available to download.

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