Park is closed during construction

NOTICE EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY For the safety of our residents and area visitors The Hayes Township Board of Trustees unanimously voted to close Hayes Township Park Camp Sea-Gull during construction this summer.  Coming soon is the long-anticipated access road, boat launch and fishing pier.

We look forward to unveiling the park improvements this fall. Please bear with us during this construction period and remain out of the park for your safety and the safety of the construction crews.  We will post periodic updates on our web page,, and our Facebook pages. Thank you for your patience.
Invasive Phragmites

Invasive Phragmites

Invasive Phragmites (frag-mī-tēz)

Hayes Twp Phragmites Ordinance can be read here and a guide to control and manage it can be read here and how to identify prohibited plants here. See Video below Phragmites (Phragmites australis), also known as the common reed, is an aggressive wetland invader that grows along the shorelines of water bodies or in water several feet deep. Once introduced Phragmites invades a site it quickly can take over a marsh community, crowding out native plants, changing marsh hydrology, altering wildlife habitat, and increasing fire potential. This video will help you distinguish between native and non-native or invasive Phragmites. (more…)
Hayes Township Awarded $15,000 Park Grant From Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa & Chippewa Indians

Hayes Township Awarded $15,000 Park Grant From Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa & Chippewa Indians

Our Township has been awarded a 2% grant from the Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa & Chippewa Indians (GTB) in the amount of $15,000 for the construction of a boat launch and fishing pier on Lake Charlevoix. The Tribal Council of the Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians will be hosting a check presentation/media Event on February 20th at the Grand Traverse Resort, 1 7 FL, Acme, Michigan. The complete document can be view/download here.