Precinct inspectors

Precinct inspectors

If you have ever wondered how to become more active in government, there are plenty of opportunities for you that do not involve running for elected office. Michigan has 83 counties, 274 cities, and 1,242 townships. During an election, each of these units of government requires a staff of paid workers to work at the polls. Precinct inspectors are people who are paid to assist voters at the polls on Election Day. Registered voters interested in serving as election inspectors must (more…)
2016 Spring Newsletter

2016 Spring Newsletter

Our spring 2016 newsletter is here and is being printed to be sent out. The online version in PDF is ready for viewing. Qr scan QR scan codes of our social sites has been added to the newsletter. With today’s smartphone app, you can freely download QR scanners and point your phone at that little square box which automatically takes you to our Facebook, Twitter and our web site. Some of the topics you’ll find.
  • Summer park host
  • Election News
  • Spring cleanup
  • New Zoning admin
  • Veterans Plaque
image of newsletter  
Precinct inspectors

Questions and Answers: Michigan’s Presidential Primary

The following Questions and Answers  are provided by the STATE OF MICHIGAN BUREAU OF ELECTIONS LANSING Do I have to be a registered Republican or Democrat to participate in Michigan’s Presidential Primary? No. Michigan’s Presidential Primary has been designated a closed primary. There is no political party registration requirement in Michigan Election Law. Any Michigan registered voter can participate in the primary. By law, you must make your ballot selection in writing by completing the Application to Vote/Ballot Selection Form on Election Day; or on the Absent Voter Ballot Application form if voting absentee the. (more…)
Hayes Township Park – Camp Sea-Gull Summer Park Host

Hayes Township Park – Camp Sea-Gull Summer Park Host

Hayes Twp. Park, Camp Seagull Would you like to spend the summer on Lake Charlevoix? On-site housing will be provided! Do you enjoy interacting with people and like to work outside? If so, volunteering to be the Hayes Township Park Host may be just right for you! The Hayes Township Board of Trustees is seeking a person or couple to oversee Hayes Township Park – Camp Sea-Gull. The ideal candidate will enjoy working with people and be enthusiastic about the park and the direction the township is taking to develop it. The host would be expected to (more…)