High Speed Internet in Hayes Township

High Speed Internet in Hayes Township

The Hayes Township Board of Trustees has taken the first step in helping to bring high speed internet to Township residents. map emmet county and hayes twpAt their meeting on April 9, 2018 the Board adopted an ordinance to grant a franchise to Great Lakes Energy(GLE) to maintain and operate electric and fiber lines, poles and services on, along, across and under the highways, streets, alleys, bridges and other public places, and to conduct a local electric, broadband, and communication business in the Township of Hayes. Additional information regarding the GLE project is available at http://www.gtlakes.com/blog/. Work is scheduled to begin April 11 in the Petoskey area with plans to expand to Charlevoix (Hayes Township) and Cheboygan Counties. We are very excited to be part of this project and look forward to our residents having access to high speed internet.
$10,000 People Fund Grant

$10,000 People Fund Grant

Great Lakes Energy People Fund Grant Awarded to Hayes Township Park Camp Sea-Gull

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Charlevoix County’s Hayes Township was awarded a grant from the Directors of the Great Lakes Energy People Fund for $10,000. The grant money will be used to construct rain gardens at Hayes Township Park Camp Sea-Gull on the north shore of Lake Charlevoix. The purpose of the rain gardens is to protect the water quality of Lake Charlevoix.

The Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council defines a rain garden as a “planted depression that receives and absorbs rain and snowmelt runoff, also known as stormwater, from impervious surfaces like roofs, driveways, walkways, parking lots, and compacted lawn areas. Rain gardens help filter out pollutants such as lawn fertilizers and pesticides, oil and other fluids from cars and machinery, and debris and litter. Rain gardens are a very effective and low cost way to protect water quality.”

The extensive rain gardens will catch and retain stormwater from the access road, boat launch, fishing pier access pathway and parking lot thus preventing stormwater from reaching Lake Charlevoix. The rain gardens were specifically designed by Site Planning Development, Inc. to catch, retain and filter the stormwater. After being filtered through the soil and plants in the rain gardens, the water will percolate into the groundwater. The People Fund is a program of Great Lakes Energy in which customers “round up” their electric bills to the nearest dollar. The People Fund monies are then awarded to non-profit organizations and charitable activities for community projects in the Great Lakes Energy service area. Hayes Township residents, many of whom receive their electricity from Great Lakes Energy, are encouraged to sign up to participate in the People Fund program.

Waterfront Survey Summary

Waterfront Survey Summary

Waterfront Survey Summary Since the 1990’s, Hayes Township has had regulations that pertain to waterfront property owners. To better understand the level of awareness that property owners have of these regulations and explore options for future consideration, the planning commission developed a survey for waterfront property owners and township residents in the winter/spring of 2017. (more…)

Get Involved With Your Township

Paid or volunteer, have you ever considered participating in your Township? Occasional positions need to be filled. From various committees to Zoning Board of Appeals, Planning Commission, Board of Review, Public Parks and many more. If interested please use the Position Application Form provided for your review and consideration. Questions contact me on my page RON VANZEE, Supervisor to Hayes Township, Charlevoix County Michigan.

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