Would you like to spend the summer on Lake Charlevoix? On-site housing will be provided!
Do you enjoy interacting with people and like to work outside? If so, volunteering to be the Hayes Township Park Host may be just right for you! The Hayes Township Board of Trustees is seeking a person or couple to oversee Hayes Township Park – Camp Sea-Gull. The ideal candidate will enjoy working with people and be enthusiastic about the park and the direction the township is taking to develop it.
The host would be expected to
devote 30 hours weekly to host duties, including 20 hours weekly to light grounds maintenance such as mowing and/or raking, keeping garbage/debris picked up. This position would begin May/June and end September/October.
Candidate must be at least 18 years of age, provide references and submit to a background check.
If interested, please email clerk@hayestownshipmi.gov or mail a letter of interest including contact information to Hayes Township, 9195 Old US 31 N., Charlevoix, MI 49720