Scope of the Project: Hayes Township wishes to remove the Camp Sea-Gull cafeteria building. The winning bidder must dismantle the building along with the deck and completely remove from the site, including all foundation materials. Site must be completely cleared of all debris and restored with topsoil, seed and mulch no later than June 1, 2017.
The building is 50’ x 100’ steel framed sitting on a masonry foundation with a slab on grade. The building and site can be inspected on Friday, September 16, between Noon and 2:00 PM., or by appointment, call 231-547-6961. Bidding documents may be obtained at the office of the Hayes Township Clerk. The Bidder must supply the telephone number, email, and street address of the individual or firm to whom addenda (if any) can be directed. Each bidder shall be required to have the removal performed by fully insured, qualified, and licensed individuals and/or firms. Also all appropriate permits will be the responsibility of the bidder. The right is reserved by the Owner to accept any Proposal, to reject any Proposal, and to waive irregularities in Proposals. The successful bidder will be required to provide a performance bond. No bids may be withdrawn after the above date and time for receiving bids for a period of thirty (30) days. HAYES TOWNSHIP, MICHIGAN
Side view

Front view